Mother and daughter
My journey with Kristin started 5 years ago, when I was dealing with postpartum anxiety, health anxiety and newly diagnosed coeliac disease. My nervous system was completely frazzled and I was struggling with daily life. Kristin changed absolutely everything for me. She was so calm, gentle and reassuring with an abundance of knowledge about the human body and made me feel at ease instantly. She helped me so immensely that I now live anxiety free and feel great in my body.
Kristin was a saviour once again last year when my 9yr old daughter was really struggling with gut related anxiety, sore tummies all day every day, she was nervous to go to school or friends houses and wasn’t interested in eating much. After some testing at the doctor we discovered she had a gut infection/inflammation. We were referred to starship for further testing but were told that even though she definitely had a gut infection her levels weren’t high enough to qualify for a referral. With not much advice from the doctors other than to retest in 6months and see if her levels had risen any higher, I felt a bit lost. She was struggling and I had no idea what to do so I took her to Kristin straight away. The change was so incredible! I couldn’t quite believe it, but we actually got proof of how effective it had been when we retested 6months later and not only had her levels of infection reduced but had returned to the “normal” range. Even the nurse was a bit shocked when I told her that we had been doing regular osteo sessions and nothing else. She has fully returned to her happy, sociable, contented little self all thanks to Kristin.
Kristin has been such an investment into the health of my family and I cannot recommend her enough.