Chronic cough

I am so grateful to have been referred to Kristin to help with a chronic cough that I have had for 10 years!

After seeing a gastroenterologist and being told I had silent reflux, and this was the cause of the cough, I changed my diet, but this didn't make any difference. I would cough throughout the day, upon eating and lying down to sleep.

Kristin recognised that there was a 'pull' on my throat via my right shoulder and hip most likely from previous injuries and surgeries that were contributing to an easily triggered cough reflex. My neck and jaw were also in a pulled back position due to having braces and significant orthodontic work as a child.

After a few sessions, there was a marked reduction in my coughing. It has taken nearly a year, but I am now free from the cough and my quality of life has been transformed! 


Mother and daughter